Boulder City High School has a student population of 621 students attending. According to Adolescent and School Health, if 1 in 10 students attending BCHS commit suicide from mental health, this would make our 621 students downsize to 558. In a small town like Boulder City, this much of a change would not only affect the high school students, but the whole community.
These hypothetical 62 students lost from BCHS are not like the people you see in the movies. These people can be anyone: Student Council members, top 10% in your class, band students, cheerleaders, sports captains, the person you smiled at in the hall. Anyone and everyone can be affected by some sort of mental illness, whether it’s depression, anxiety, an eating disorder, or the 200+ other disorders. These illnesses can take over everything from your grades to simply brushing your teeth. So why are we talking about this now?
Suicide rates have been increasing and met a new peak three years ago in 2022. Teenagers are supposed to be enjoying this time in their lives, a time you will never get a chance to relive. Recently on December 30th 2024, Jennaleah Reyes Hin, a straight A senior student attending Foothill High School, went missing. According to, Hin was found on January 5th, deceased in the desert by a self-inflicted gunshot wound. Although tragically devastinging, Hin’s story is not an uncommon one, this same fate is met by teens everywhere.
Mental health is often overlooked and only becomes important when it is too late. Focusing on your mental health is normal, experiencing illnesses like depression or anxiety is highly common and does not make you an “outcast” or “different.” If you are struggling with any type of mental illness, it is important to talk to a trusted friend or adult so it does not worsen. If you do not have anyone to talk to and are struggling with suicidal thoughts or another illness, text or call 988 to speak to a professional.
You only get one life, so choose to be kind. Smile at that person in the hall, hold the door open, give someone a compliment. You never know how much of a difference something so small can make.