No other school compares to Boulder City High School’s school spirit, and our school spirit is at its highest during the holidays. Our annual traditions during the holiday season rival any school in the state. This holiday season at BCHS will be no exception.
First of all, Boulder City High school’s splendid STUCO creates the “12 Days of Kindness”. Each day a different student makes a video representing one thing you can do that day that shows kindness. Some examples of the “12 Days of Kindness” are “Be Beary Kind” when students give hugs to someone who needs it. The holidays are about sharing love and kindness so the “12 Days of Kindness” is a marvelous way to spread holiday cheer.
Not only have students participated in the “12 Days of Kindness”, but we also got to attend BCHS’ biggest event of the holiday season–the winter assembly. This year’s winter assembly took place on December 13th. This year’s winter Assembly theme was The Nightmare Before Midterms!! Every grade got to compete against each other in a series of quests to win points for their grade. The class that won the assembly got the spirit stick, this is a tradition that has lived on since the school opened in 1941. Student Leona Merrill agrees and states,”the assemblies are so entertaining and it brings all the classes closer together.”
Another Tradition is the Spirit Week that leads up to the assembly. STUCO planned different dress up days for the entire week; each day of the week was a different theme. This year’s Spirit Week took place on December 9th – December 13th, and the dress up days included: Monday, “Twas the Nightmare Before Midterms” (wear PJs); Tuesday, “Tracky Jacky Tuesday” (wear stripes); Wednesday, “ Christmas Town vs. Halloween Town” (wear halloween or winter colors); Thursday, “Don’t be Scary be Merry” (wear a Christmas sweater); and Friday, “Battle of the Holidays” (Upperclasses wear red, Lowerclasses wear green). Student Quinn Gibson said, “I love being able to participate in the spirit weeks, it is an outstanding way to get everyone involved!”

Boulder City’s community is wonderful, and one thing the high school does to help support our community is the Canned Food Drive. This year the canned food drive started November 20th and ended on December 10th. Each grade had their own box and could donate at any time. Whatever grade gets the most cans automatically gets a point in the winter assembly. This year’s winners were the seniors with almost 500 cans, overall the school collected around 800 cans. Christmas is about sharing love and giving to others, and the Canned Food Drive is a wonderful way to show this.
Lastly, not only does Boulder City have all of these school celebrations, but we also have a huge Christmas Parade that takes place around the entire town. All the school’s music classes and NHS participate in the parade and many other schools in the area do as well. This year’s parade took place on December 6th, and the whole town joined in the celebrations. Overall, once again Boulder City’s holiday spirit is unmatched to any other schools or towns, celebrating with each other and being able to show love is what we do greatest! Go BCHS!!