The end of the school year is around the corner and some students may be confused on what elective they should choose next year. Although Weight Training and a Foreign Language may seem interesting, have you ever thought about being on camera? Well, Multimedia may be the elective for you! From filming the morning announcements to learning how to work a camera, and photoshop, this elective is full of fun and learning experiences.
Currently our main anchors are freshmen Joshua Edelstein and Alexis Carpowich, along with our weatherman, Senior, Kallin Gallacher. Joshua and Alexis are both very involved with the school community. Alexis is in Student Council, while Joshua played on the boy’s soccer team and is currently on our wrestling team. Similarly to Joshua and Alexis, Kallin is also involved with our school community. Kallin does theatre at the school and always gives his all when he is on the stage. These three classmates had nothing but good things to say about the class.
Mr. Lee was given the Multimedia elective when he first came to BCHS, and the Morning Announcements joining in 2017. He has loved watching the students bring their ideas and creativity to life through technology. Him and the students edit the announcements everyday, allowing students to use their creativity even more.
So what do you do in Multimedia? Well, you learn how to use different platforms like Adobe, Photoshop, Premiere to edit photos, videos, working with cameras and as Kallin
says “how to be a good employee.” Once they have gotten the hang of how to edit, the students transition to filming the morning announcements. The script writers will plan what the anchors (Alexis and Joshua) have to say, as well as any fun videos like the Turkey Wobble and the Monster Mash. The class is all grade levels, giving you opportunities to meet new friends and learn new fun things you wouldn’t have learnt without the help of others.
A common misconception of the morning announcements is that you HAVE to be on camera, but that’s not true! Joshua, Alexis and Kallin all chose to be on the announcements whereas Juniors, Victor Beceraa, Brayden Westergreen and Senior, Brayden Folk stay behind the camera and direct and/or write the script. Through all the mess ups and difficulty at the beginning, everyone who takes this elective ends up loving it in the long run. Kallin Gallacher mentions “People should really take this class if you want to know about everything editing and creativity on computers!”
If you like working with computers, cameras or you just like being on camera! Make sure you put Multimedia as your first choice when the form to choose your classes comes around!